Sunday, 20 February 2011

30DSC Day Two

OK, so it's Day Two of the 30 Day Song Challenge, or "30DSC" as it is not being called. This is not a crappy tribute band for 30STM, so don't get confused.

Anyway, day two is: Your Least Favourite Song.

This one was actually really hard. I don't actually have any songs that I don't like. I've got plenty of bands/artists that I don't like, but in those cases it's the band or artist that I don't like and not necessarily their music.

So after great consideration (probably too much for a silly little challenge like this), I have come to the conclusion that this is my least favourite song.

If you can't see the video, the song is The Carpenters "Close To You". Even just writing the song title makes me quiver with fear!
I'm not even too sure why I don't like this song. The only reason I can think of is that the parents used to force it upon me as a child, and it's just a teenage thing to hate things that the parents force upon you.
Anyway, yeah, I don't like this song. End.


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