Saturday, 19 February 2011

30 Day Song Challenge- Day One

OK, so there's this thing going round called the "30 Day Song Challenge", where you have to put different songs that mean something each day.

I've decided to do it, and explain it fully here.

DAY ONE: Your Favourite Song.

My favourite song is U2 "One". This is just a brilliant song of excellence. It says so much about humanity and life. About how we are all equal when it ultimately comes down to it, so why we try to be superior is a mystery. The lyrics are just perfect, and Bono's vocals make it that much better.

I'd like to point out that, as good as the Mary J Blige version is, it's not a scratch on the original. It has to be the original. No other version can be better than this version.

I've seen U2 live twice now (Vertigo and 360 Tours) and both times they've played this iconic song. Both times it moved me beyond belief.

As you can see, I feel incredibly passionate about this song.

Here's a link to the video.

Keep an eye out for Day Two tomorrow, my least favourite song. Which I will no doubt feel as passionately about, but for different reasons.


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