Sunday, 27 February 2011

30DSC Day Eight

OK, so yet again I've got nothing to talk about apart from the 30DSC.

Today's song category: "A song you know all the words to".

There's a fair few I know all the words to. So this could go in one of two ways. I could keep what little dignity I still have and pick a relatively decent song, or I could just say "screw it, I am who I am. Take it or leave it".

I'll go for the latter.
Today's song: Christina Aguilera "Reflection". If you don't know, this is her version of the song from the Mulan soundtrack. Such a great movie, and such a great song to go with it.

This song, together with The Feeling's "Strange" helped me through the time when I was finding who I am. Which is why it means a lot to me. And why I know all the words to it.


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