Wednesday, 23 February 2011

30DSC Day Five

OK, so today's 30DSC is pretty easy.
It's "A song that reminds you of someone".

I do believe that the first song I think of that reminds me of someone is Celine Dion/ Peabo Bryson "Beauty And The Beast".

This is my current relationship's "our song". I feel obliged to put this as today's song purely for this reason.
If she actually reads this (which is unlikely, as she thinks this is really sad):
Hey babe. Just had to put this as today's song. It obviously reminds me of you. I know I have reasoning for this being "our song", and I know you know the reasoning for it. But it means so much more to me now. I can't listen to it without thinking of you.
I love you xxx <3

And for the rest of you,

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