Saturday, 26 February 2011

30DSC Day Seven And Adventures

OK, first things first. I know I missed yesterday's 30DSC, this will be explained in the "Adventures" part of this blog.

Now, for the next 30DSC: "A song that reminds you of a certain event".

This is actually a really tricky one...
I can't actually think of songs that remind me of events.

Other than of yesterday... Yeah, that'll do.
OK, so two of the most awesome people in the World (also known as one of my bestest mates and my other half) have a little obsession with dance mats.
This is the one that sticks in the mind the most:
End Of The Century
If you know this song, then you're awesome and lived a great childhood.
If you don't, you fail as much as I fail on dance mats.

Anyway, this brings me on to the Adventures section.
Yesterday, the other half, three of my bestest mates and myself decided to do a trip to Manchester. Via the train. This is all good, except one of my mates doesn't really do public transport. And we had to do four different types. In a day. It was eventful to say the least.
All in all it was a fantastic day. Tiring, yes, but fantastic none the less. I didn't buy much, just a Nightmare Before Christmas poster which is awesome and I love. But it was still good.

Anyway, I'm off.

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