Wednesday, 2 March 2011

30DSC Day Nine and Apologies

First of all, apologies. I apologise for not doing the 30DSC for two days now. I've been busy with football matches and dinner parties. Good times.

I've decided that it would be silly to miss days out, so I'm carrying on from where I left off. This being day nine.

I've had this one in my head since I realised what the category was, but not had the time to update.

Today's category is: A song you can dance to.

The Time Warp, obviously.

If anyone says that they don't know how to dance to the Time Warp, then they are silly. The dance moves are in the song lyrics for God's sake!

This is an epic song from an epic movie (The Rocky Horror Picture Show, if you're that silly to not know that). I've not seen the theatre production yet, but will do as soon as it is in my local area again.

For now, let's do the Time Warp agaiiiin...


Sunday, 27 February 2011

30DSC Day Ten

Hey guys, so it's day ten of the 30DSC.

Today's category is: A song that makes you fall asleep.

I've got to say that this is, first and foremost, not an actual song, but it's as good as you're getting.

The Jurassic Park Theme.

This is a beautiful piece of music. John Williams is my favourite soundtrack composer, he's just a genius. This is one of his masterpieces. I could listen to this for ages. It just makes me feel content, and therefore I tend to fall asleep to it. Even the middle part when it picks up pace slightly.

So yes, now you've all found out that I spend my time listening to John Williams soundtracks, I shall now leave to avoid further embarrassment.

I've got to say, I apologise in advance, as I may not be able to post tomorrow. Just to warn you.


30DSC Day Eight

OK, so yet again I've got nothing to talk about apart from the 30DSC.

Today's song category: "A song you know all the words to".

There's a fair few I know all the words to. So this could go in one of two ways. I could keep what little dignity I still have and pick a relatively decent song, or I could just say "screw it, I am who I am. Take it or leave it".

I'll go for the latter.
Today's song: Christina Aguilera "Reflection". If you don't know, this is her version of the song from the Mulan soundtrack. Such a great movie, and such a great song to go with it.

This song, together with The Feeling's "Strange" helped me through the time when I was finding who I am. Which is why it means a lot to me. And why I know all the words to it.


Saturday, 26 February 2011

30DSC Day Seven And Adventures

OK, first things first. I know I missed yesterday's 30DSC, this will be explained in the "Adventures" part of this blog.

Now, for the next 30DSC: "A song that reminds you of a certain event".

This is actually a really tricky one...
I can't actually think of songs that remind me of events.

Other than of yesterday... Yeah, that'll do.
OK, so two of the most awesome people in the World (also known as one of my bestest mates and my other half) have a little obsession with dance mats.
This is the one that sticks in the mind the most:
End Of The Century
If you know this song, then you're awesome and lived a great childhood.
If you don't, you fail as much as I fail on dance mats.

Anyway, this brings me on to the Adventures section.
Yesterday, the other half, three of my bestest mates and myself decided to do a trip to Manchester. Via the train. This is all good, except one of my mates doesn't really do public transport. And we had to do four different types. In a day. It was eventful to say the least.
All in all it was a fantastic day. Tiring, yes, but fantastic none the less. I didn't buy much, just a Nightmare Before Christmas poster which is awesome and I love. But it was still good.

Anyway, I'm off.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

30DSC Day Six

Hey guys,

OK, so it's day six of the 30DSC. Today's theme is "A song that reminds you of somewhere".
This one needed some deliberation and thought, but I've come to the conclusion that there is only one song that springs to mind.
It's really sad, so I apologise in advance if you don't like cheesy music:
Aqua "Cartoon Heroes".

OK, picture the scene:
It's 2003. I'm 11 years old. It's the summer between primary and secondary school. I'm in Cyprus with the family. There's a kids disco every night. They make us dance to this song every night. With actions. On stage.
Now, when you're 11 this is the most epic thing on the face of the Earth!
Now... not so much. But the song reminds me of this holiday. Good times.

Right, speak soon.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

30DSC Day Five

OK, so today's 30DSC is pretty easy.
It's "A song that reminds you of someone".

I do believe that the first song I think of that reminds me of someone is Celine Dion/ Peabo Bryson "Beauty And The Beast".

This is my current relationship's "our song". I feel obliged to put this as today's song purely for this reason.
If she actually reads this (which is unlikely, as she thinks this is really sad):
Hey babe. Just had to put this as today's song. It obviously reminds me of you. I know I have reasoning for this being "our song", and I know you know the reasoning for it. But it means so much more to me now. I can't listen to it without thinking of you.
I love you xxx <3

And for the rest of you,

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

30DSC Day Four (And Other Things)

OK, so first things first. The fourth day of the 30DSC. Today's theme is "A song that makes you sad".

There's one song that I think of initially. It's this one:
Miley Cyrus "The Climb"

It's not necessarily a sad song, but it means a lot to me that it makes me sad. I can't listen to it. And haven't been able to since August 2009. That seems ages away now, but it's true.
It just reminds me of my ex. I thought I loved her. I didn't. She may well read this, but oh well.
Yes I've moved on from this now. I've found someone else. It's so much better than when I was wit her. But this song still has the memories. Hence why it makes me sad.

Anyway, now to other things.
If you didn't know, it's February half term where I am. Meaning I'm not in college this week. I have no work to do either, which is an added bonus.
I spent yesterday at Trentham Gardens (anyone reading this living outside of my home town will not know where this is) with two of the greatest people in the World, one of which is the person mentioned before (the one I've found now that's better than my ex). It was all in all a good day. Weather could have been better, but come on, it's February, what do you expect?

I shall speak to you all sooon.

Monday, 21 February 2011

30DSC Day Three

OK, so today's song theme for the 30DSC is: A song that makes you happy.

There are many songs that make me happy, but this is one that springs to mind instantly.
Alex Day "The Time Of Your Life"

Unless you are a YouTube fan like me, you will probably be unfamiliar with this artist. Go check him out, he's great.
This song just makes me smile. It's great. The lyrics are well thought out, the melody is catchy and really upbeat, and just makes me genuinely happy.

Seriously, listen to it, and check it out. It's good stuff.
Also, I felt obliged to get a YouTube artist in here somewhere... LOL


Sunday, 20 February 2011

30DSC Day Two

OK, so it's Day Two of the 30 Day Song Challenge, or "30DSC" as it is not being called. This is not a crappy tribute band for 30STM, so don't get confused.

Anyway, day two is: Your Least Favourite Song.

This one was actually really hard. I don't actually have any songs that I don't like. I've got plenty of bands/artists that I don't like, but in those cases it's the band or artist that I don't like and not necessarily their music.

So after great consideration (probably too much for a silly little challenge like this), I have come to the conclusion that this is my least favourite song.

If you can't see the video, the song is The Carpenters "Close To You". Even just writing the song title makes me quiver with fear!
I'm not even too sure why I don't like this song. The only reason I can think of is that the parents used to force it upon me as a child, and it's just a teenage thing to hate things that the parents force upon you.
Anyway, yeah, I don't like this song. End.


Saturday, 19 February 2011

30 Day Song Challenge- Day One

OK, so there's this thing going round called the "30 Day Song Challenge", where you have to put different songs that mean something each day.

I've decided to do it, and explain it fully here.

DAY ONE: Your Favourite Song.

My favourite song is U2 "One". This is just a brilliant song of excellence. It says so much about humanity and life. About how we are all equal when it ultimately comes down to it, so why we try to be superior is a mystery. The lyrics are just perfect, and Bono's vocals make it that much better.

I'd like to point out that, as good as the Mary J Blige version is, it's not a scratch on the original. It has to be the original. No other version can be better than this version.

I've seen U2 live twice now (Vertigo and 360 Tours) and both times they've played this iconic song. Both times it moved me beyond belief.

As you can see, I feel incredibly passionate about this song.

Here's a link to the video.

Keep an eye out for Day Two tomorrow, my least favourite song. Which I will no doubt feel as passionately about, but for different reasons.


Thursday, 17 February 2011

First Post

Hey guys, I'm back.

OK, to introduce myself. As the blog title says, I am a girl leaving teenage life later on this year. This meaning, I am currently 19 years old, leading on to the big milestone of 20 years old.

Having lived for almost two decades actually freaks me out, so I've decided to make the most of this next year until I reach the big milestone of leaving the teenage years and having to actually grow up (a little bit, in theory).

I am going to use this blog to publicise everything that I do in the run-up to turning 20 and beyond. It's a scary period in my life, why not enjoy it with me!

OK, so a bit about me. I'm hoping to go to University in September (second time lucky, if it doesn't happen this time I'm not bothering any more). Ultimately I would like to be a primary school teacher, and need to go to University to do so, so it would help if I got there. Apart from this, I'm a big Nerdfighter. If you know what this is, then you're a person I like. If you don't, go here.

Please keep with me as I go through the journey that is life.